Advanced Examples

Using Containers

Researchers can use Docker or Singularity containers within the cluster. This is a great way to run difficult-to-compile applications or to share workflows among colleagues.

See also: Singularity

Running an interactive container

User can run within a container interactively, this is great for testing code before running a job. Here is an example of running within a docker container lolcow:

srun --pty -c 4 --mem=64G bash
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 Singularity/3.10.2
singularity pull docker://godlovedc/lolcow
singularity shell lolcow.sif

Once you have typed the singularity shell command you will be within the container and can type the commands available from within the container such as the lolcow utility fortune | cowsay | lolcat

Running a container in batch

Running a batch job with containers is similar to running a regular job, but will ultimately depend on how the container was created, so your mileage may vary. Here is an example batch submit script that will run the autometa software that was created in a docker image, lets name the submit file

#SBATCH -J autometa-job
#SBATCH -c 4
#SBATCH --mem=64G
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00

module load Singularity/3.10.2
singularity pull docker://jasonkwan/autometa:latest
singularity exec autometa_latest.sif somedata.dat

Now to run the file you can:


Note that singularity shell is primarily for interactive use and singularity exec (or possibly singularity run) are for executing the applications that were built within the container directly. It is important to know how the container was created to make effective use of the software.

Starting and Working with a Jupyter Notebook

Running Jupyter notebooks on Rāpoi is usually a two step processes.

  1. First you start the jupyter server on a compute node - either via an interactive session or an sbatch job.
  2. Then you connect to Rāpoi again via a new ssh session port forwarding the port selected by Jupter to your local machine for the web session.


There is a potentially simpler method at the end of this guide using firefox and tab containers.

For general information on using Python, see the Python users guide.

The first step is getting and modifying a submission script.

Example submission scripts are included at /home/software/vuwrc/examples/jupyter/ # The base notebook script - you manage your dependancies via pip # a version for if you prefer anaconda # Using the R kernel instead # R kernel and managed by anaconda

All these scripts will need to be copied to your working directory and modified to suit your needs.

In each case you'll need to install your dependancies first - at a bare minimum you'll need Jupyter, installed either via pip or anaconda.

Note if you are intending to do anything needing GPU in your notebooks, you'll need to do all these installs in the gpu or highmem nodes as you'll likely need the relavent CUDA modules loaded during the installs. example

Step 1: The best way to start jupyter is with a batch submit script. We have created an example script. You can copy this script from one available on the cluster, just type the following:

cp /home/software/vuwrc/examples/jupyter/
If you are using Anaconda and have installed it in the default location you need to use the following submit file instead:
cp /home/software/vuwrc/examples/jupyter/

If you have any python dependancies you will need to install them before you run your script. You will also have to install jupyter. Currenly you'll need to do that in an interactive session. You only need to do this once.

srun -c 4  --mem=8G --partition=quicktest --time=0-01:00:00 --pty bash # get a 1 hour interactive session on quicktest
#prompt changes to something like 
#<username@itl02n02> you are now "on" a quicktest node

# Load required module for the python version in the
module load gompi/2022a
module load Python/3.10.4-bare

python3 -m venv env # setup python virtual env in the env directory
pip install jupyterlab pandas plotnine # install dependancies - you *must* at least install jupyter

#exit the interactive session
#prompt changes to something like 
#<username@raapoi-login> you are now back on the login/master node

This script is ready to run as is, but we recommend editing it to satisfy your own CPU, memory and time requirements. Once you have edited the file you can run it thusly:


or if using Anaconda:

NOTE: If you copied the R notebook script, replace with

This will submit the file to run a job. It may take some time for the job to run, depending on how busy the cluster is at the time. Once the job begins to run you will see some information in the file called notebook-JOBID.out (JOBID will be the actual jobid of this job, eg notebook-478903.out. If you view this file (users can type cat notebook-JOBID.out to view the file onscreen). You will see a line such as:

    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:<some string of characters><some string of characters>

The 2 important pieces of information here are the IP address, in this case and the port number, 47033. These numbers should be different for you since the port number is random, although the IP Address may be the same since we have a limited number of compute nodes. Also notice after the ?token= you will see a random hash. This hash is a security feature and allows you to connect to the notebook. You will need to use these to view the notebook from your local machine.

Step 2: To start working with the notebook you will need to tunnel a ssh session. In your SSH tunnel you will use the cluster login node ( to connect to the compute node (in the example above the compute node is at address and transfer all the traffic back and forth between your computer and the compute node).

Step 2a from a Mac:

Open a new session window from or other terminal utility such as Xquartz and type the following:


For example:

ssh -L 47033:

Once you are at a prompt you can go to Step 3

Step 2b: from Windows

We recommend tunnelling using Git Bash, which is part of the Git for Windows project or MobaXTerm. There are 2 methods for tunneling in Moba, one is command line, the other is GUI-based.

Method 1 (Git Bash or MobaXterm): Command-line, start a local Git Bash or MobaXterm terminal (or try the GUI method, below)

From the command prompt type:


For example:

ssh -L 47033:

Once you are at a prompt you can go to Step 3

Method 2 (MobaXterm): GUI-based, go to the Tunneling menu:

Now click on New SSH Tunnel

When you complete the creation of your tunnel click Start all tunnels. Enter your password and reply "yes" to any questions asked about accepting hostkeys or opening firewalls. You can safely exit the tunnel building menu.

Step 3

Now open your favorite web browser and then use the URL from your job output file and paste it in your browsers location bar, for example my full URL was:

Step 4

One last thing you need to do is to replace the IP address with the word localhost. This will allow your browser to follow the tunnel you just opened and connect to the notebook running on an engaging compute node, in my case my address line will now look like this:


Now you can hit return and you should see your notebook running on an Engaging compute node.

NOTE: when you are done with your notebook, please remember to cancel your job to free up the resources for others, hint: scancel

If you want more information on working with Jupyter, there is good documentation, here: Jupyter Notebooks

Working with notebooks using Firefox tab containers

There is a perhaps simpler single step process of working with jupyter notebooks. It relies on some nice features in Firefox. Firefox has tab containers - you can have categories of tabs that are basically independent from each other with separate web cookies but importantly for our case separate proxy settings. You will also currenly need to get the firefox add-on Container-Proxy its github page

Setup a tab container in Firefox called something like Raapoi. Use the container-proxy extension to assign a proxy to that tab set. I choose 9001, but you can use any fairly high port number - note it doens't matter if many people connect on the same port.

When you connect to raapoi, use ssh socks5 proxy settings. In MacOS/linux/wsl2

ssh -D 9001 <username>

In Firefox open a new tab by holding down the new tab + button and selecting your Raapoi tab container. Any tabs opened with that container will have all their webtraffic directed via the Rāpoi login node. Your laptop/desktop can't directly see all the compute nodes, but the login node can. When you start a jupyter notebook and get the message:

    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:<some string of characters><some string of characters>

You can just immediatly open<some string of characters> in your Raapoi container tab.

OpenBLAS/FlexiBLAS users guide

What is BLAS/OpenBLAS/FlexiBLAS?

BLAS stands for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms and consists of a set routines that probide standard building blocks for numerical calculations involving linear algebra (e.g. addition and multiplication of vectors and matrices). Software such as OpenBLAS and FlexiBLAS (and other variants) provide optimised implementations and extensions of such routines.

How do I know if my software uses OpenBLAS/FlexiBLAS?

Linear algebra is fundamental to a broad range of numerical algorithms, so it is quite common for computationally intensive software to rely on some form of BLAS implementation. One way you can potentially find out if OpenBLAS or FlexiBLAS might be used by your software is to load the modules associated with your piece of software, then execute module list and see if OpenBLAS of FlexiBLAS are listed. If yes, it is not a guarantee they are being used, but is certainly a possibility.

Known issues

Most versions of OpenBLAS have been installed with OpenMP support. Some of the newer versions (0.3.20 onwards) have a bug which can cause OpenBLAS to hang on startup (unless you allocate an obscene and uneccessary amount of memory). When using software that links to one of those versions it is essential that you: (i) set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired number of threads, and/or (ii) set the environment varialbe OMP_PROC_BIND=true (or any other valid option, apart from false).
The recommended approach is to add the line export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_NTASKS and/or export OMP_PROC_BIND=true after you have loaded all of the modules you require. (You will need to change export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_NTASKS accordingly if you are using some form of hybrid paralellism, and/or are setting a value of --ncpus-per-task which is more than one.)